HARDLINE is, the now disowned, child of STRAIGHTEDGE and takes the ideologies of STRAIGHTEDGE one step further. The concept of STRAIGHTEDGE is to inner reflect and make better individual choices. HARDLINERS not only follow a very strict regime themselves, but often actively protest others who are not following righteous lives.
THE PILLARS OF HARDLINE: no drug use of any kind, prescription drugs and stimulants like caffeine included; no sex except for propagation; no tobacco usage; and respect for innocent life through veganism and animal right's support.
Sean Muttaqi of Vegan Reich is credited as having started the movement and gained followers in 1990 with the band's Hardline album release. In the late 1990s, HARDLINE completely separated from the hardcore and straightedge scene, and became a members only movement. The organization completely disbanded in 1999 with Muttaqi's release of the 9th edition of the club's main zine, Vanguard. However, many HARDLINERS still exist but have spread out.