Originating in Miami, CHONGAS are young women, historically cuban, who dress provocatively and act in an aggressive manner. The label is viewed by some as derogatory and by others as a term of empowerment... meaning... CHONGAS are not "classy" and thus the negative perspective. Instead, they like to show their strength by flaunting their bodies (either without giving it up or by using and abusing), taking care of each other and themselves, and not relying on men to take care of them.
Chongos are men who flutter around the Chongas.
The proper attire for a Chonga has changed over the years. Today's fashions: Brazilian skinny jeans in any color; a sequin belt; jersey top or wife-beater showing bra through; or jersey dress; dark lip liner with clear lip gloss; one string of hair coming down over an eye; lots of gold jewelry - hoop earrings a must; dark pencilled in eyebrows.